Today, the weather is typical of Shanghai, grey, rainy, cool and misty. This is the kind of weather I like to sit in at home , wearing my favorite mismatched tee shirts and pants , hang out with a cup of coffee, some cupcakes ( like the ones below!) , a kitten sleeping on my lap, keeping me company. I feel lazy and am already in a holiday mood ( yes, 4 more days to my Melbourne trip).
Seriously.. this has got to stop! I want to eat them all!!!!
This might be the first photo which you have seen of me! LOL! Yap, I am an internet slob and slop! Halley Boo loves hanging around my lap while I worked. Too bad he can't spell check for me!
I also itch to browse through
Etsy. Often, I worked so hard for all my
stores, I barely have time to really have a look at all the fabulous sellers and their beautiful wares.
Etsy has many tools to help one decide how to look for items. I use Favorite Sellers most, I have over 500 favorite sellers and it is sheer joy looking at their stores. Today, I thought I try one tool which I have not use for a long time.
POUNCE , this a super fun tool on Etsy would randomly show a list of either Undiscovered Shops or shops which had Just Sold something.
Honestly..... I kind of am ambivalent about this Undiscovered Shops feature. I mean.. I feel it might make potential buyers wonderful why these shops have no sales and perhaps subconsciously avoid these stores. Well... they shouldn't. *Smile. Today I pounced and was really happy to undiscovered some gems!!!!
Yes, I do agree that most of these stores does not have the greatest pictures, the greatest range of items or many listings ( average 10 listing for these shops). I mean, come to think of it. If there are no sales, it is really hard to be motivated to list more. Some of them might just dipping their toes and see if the response is optima for them to continue listing. Some might not have that kind of capital to list a lot. Nonetheless, I feel all of us at Etsy has an obligation to help new sellers .
I try to buy from newbies as much as I can but one other common problem I see is that new sellers are always almost ship to USA only. I know I know, they just want to ship internally first to get a hang of the shipping process but they do kind of isolated a lot of international buyers ( like moi). SHIP TO ME!!! I CRAVE YOUR LOVELY STUFF! I GOT 99.9% of my packages delivered safely to me!!!!!! I AM RICH AND I LIKE EVERYTHING!!!!!! SHIP TO ME! LOL!
So, this Finder's Keepers below is dedicated to new sellers who just started selling on Etsy. Let me tell you, looking at their items, photos and prices, they would soon be on Etsy top seller list. So grab them before they are all gone.:)
Finder's Keepers
From top, center, bottom, left to right ::
Lovely lovely polymer clay brooch set on umber leaves! I love how it sit so nicely on a coat!
I have seen many of these kind of boxed frames but this piece is really gorgeous. I felt it is really made with care with wonderful color combination. It is not too "artsy" or too "put together". You know, like some pieces looks beautiful but lack experience or personality. This piece would be perfect for my mother-in-law's beach house.
I generally do not browse through kid's shops as there is no need for it yet *smile. I do know children's shops on Etsy offers one of the best selection of clothes and toys. This onesie makes me smile. I often imagined my perhaps future son to be a geek ( I love geeks!) . This onesie would be perfect for him! LOL! There is a nice selection for pretty baby girls too!:)
I am starting to develop a serious liking for magnets. I use to think they are pretty redundant until I had my own fridge ! I love sticking photos, postcards, letters, notes, scrapbook pages on my fridge, it is so enjoyable looking at friends and family when I make a cold sandwich. My fridge is also my Hall Of Fame. Only people I like goes would be stuck on my fridge doors! That is why I love this set of magnets, so zakka, so positive and lovely colors!

My "Hall Of Fame " !!! LOL! Yap, I need to replace those ugly green and yellow magnets with prettier ones soon!
I love this pair of sandals! So cheerful and looks comfy! Good prices too!
Simply beautiful quilt. Made of designer cotton fabric and I love the ragging look to it! This store has more lovely quilt too! Check it out!
This set of figurines made me go WOW!!!! I love them all! Nice combination! It would make such a nice decoration for those who wants a frou frou touch! At only USD 5 each or USD 40 for the whole set, it is such a wonderful deal!!! Quick grab it!
I love wood, I begin to seriously take notice of wood craft on Etsy these days. No longer boring wooden bowls or kitschy keychain holders, one can find really designer quality and designs these days on the ever growing wood craft category. This airplane wine holder is one case. Simple, classy and a touch of fun!
Feathers are in now and looks like it would be going strong until the end of this fall. Why not? Look at this piece, elegant, bold and great colors. This shop has great great pieces which is not the usual ones you would see flooding Etsy now.
I love this bag! For some reasons, I always find Australian sellers has a very distinct style of their own. This bag kind of proved it for me. When I first see it, I know it is not made in USA or Europe. I love the little pleat details and the shape of the bag! I always love it when crafters make a point to add interesting details to their items. It really stands out.
Ok, the pink got to me first. I am totally addicted to pink. How can one not? Look at this bold, shocking pink soap! Perfect for my bathroom! Love the originality of the design too! LOL!
At first, I thought nothing ( pun intended ;p) of this shop .I thought "another photography shop" , don't get me wrong, I LOVE photography but sometimes after browsing through shops with loads of fruit, flowers , skies photo etc, I am kind of bored. Why would I buy a photo of an apple or a bunch of rose? I do love this print though! I like the colors and the texture of it. A good shop for those who wants something different !